Jun 1, 2021Liked by Benjamin Moser

Ah Ben -- you've always been our hero & you continue to be so. This is a brilliant, clear-eyed expose of Israeli tyranny and a sensitive painful argument for Palestinian self-determination. Will send to my pro-Israel brother. We miss you & hope to see you very soon. Abby & Helen

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Jun 1, 2021Liked by Benjamin Moser

Thank you for writing this piece, Benjamin. I started following you for your Clarice Lispector work (and our mutual love of all things Brazil as non-Brazilians!), and admire you all the more for speaking out publicly on Palestine. Much love!

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Jun 1, 2021Liked by Benjamin Moser

Thank you for writing this

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Jun 1, 2021Liked by Benjamin Moser

Courageous, honest, illuminating. Thank you.

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Jun 1, 2021Liked by Benjamin Moser

Thank you for this - taking the risk of writing what you saw and felt - Additional reading on this subject - Lis Harris's extraordinary book: https://bookshop.org/books/in-jerusalem-three-generations-of-an-israeli-family-and-a-palestinian-family/9780807002445

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Thank you so much for writing this piece. I’m sure it can’t be easy receiving some of the insults and unnecessarily harsh words in the comments, but I want to say how much it’s appreciated that you are just calling the situation for what it is and staying true to your humanity, ethics and values. You are not spewing hate but only asking for empathy and understanding, yet some feel inclined to spew hatred at this simple fact. I think this speaks volumes.

My grandmother was forcibly dispossessed from her home in Haifa in 1948. Palestine and its people have never been far from my mind or my heart, despite never going there and only having that connection from my grandmother, who was never able to return to her homeland. She never stopped talking about how beautiful Haifa was.

In my university years I was very vocal about Palestine and the unthinkable horrors the Palestinians are forced to live through. I eventually piped down somewhat - needless to say it is a controversial issue, and I’m ashamed to say it felt easier to not speak my mind in many situations. I stuck to my principles and never stopped campaigning, but not as hard. Seeing the global, intersectional awakening this past few months, with Palestinians all across historic Palestine and in the diaspora, hundreds of thousands if not millions of supporters all over the world coming together and standing for what is right and what is human... For the first time in my adult life I feel that change, though maybe still a ways away, is truly possible. I feel that nothing can ever make me pipe down again. And reading posts like yours, from people who come from a background that means they have a whole lot to lose just for voicing their concern for fellow human beings, makes all the difference. Thank you ♥️

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Wow. What a remarkable bit of one-sided entirely context-free and out-and-out-lying writing.

The "fortress where people of different faiths worshipped for centuries," the one that is the tomb of the Jewish Patriarchs and Matriarchs, was entirely closed to Jews for centuries. Jews were not allowed any further than the 7th step outside of this building, all through the centuries of the various occupations, up to and including the British occupation, during which the ancient Jewish community of Khevron was ethnically cleansed, leaving Khevron Judenrein for decades, until finally in 1967 Jews were allowed to return.

And how dare you go on about the assorted politicians having either lived in the States or immigrated from the States (and for the record, Bennett was born and bread in the north of Israel, it was his parents who immigrated from the US, and my goodness, do you despise all immigrants or is your anti-immigration ire only reserved for Jews?? ..... and the soon-to-be-backbencher-opposition Bibi was born in Tel Aviv, and lived in the US with his parents, when his dad was a professor at Cornell.... so get your facts straight)

Wow. And I'm glad for you that you spent a couple of days there? Maybe spend some more time and you will see that the tiny claustrophobic space is the Jews' tiny ghetto in Khevron. Almost the entirety of the city is forbidden to Jews, except for the Jewish ghetto.

You're right, it's awful that there are people who throw garbage from their windows. People do that kind of crap in cities all over the world. I agree, that sucks. And sometimes people suck.

Through the centuries of Ottoman rule the Western Wall was used by the local Arab population (actually Arab immigrants from Morocco lived in the Wall area then) as a garbage dump.

Stay in your space, Benjamin Moser. Live your best life. And keep in mind that you're not the first person to rebel against his parents. Not the first Jew to, either. By a long shot. You're in good company.

Neturei Karta guys agree with you, by the way. Just so you know.

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Jun 1, 2021Liked by Benjamin Moser

This was worth all your effort and doubts. Thanks for writing this.

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Hi Ben, as an arab from the region, I was expecting your article to be wrapped in rhetorical fog, but was surprised by your sincere effort to uncover reality, the painful illustrations that you provided us with will stack up on other bits of stories and facts that have been for decades seeping through the cages of the occupied lands to every inch in the middle east.

The comments to your article, are a great complement to it, showing us specimens of Israeli occupation-deniers.

This situation is not meant to last, and although israel with it's high tech military has mastered its control over an unarmed caged popluation, there are millions outside of the border sick of their presence, and will never accept the situation, and like the majority in the region, I have no doubt that it will not end well for israel, they will reap what they sow.

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Have you looked into the history of Hebron as well? For example: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1929_Hebron_massacre

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Fantastic, blisteringly honest article.Much needed. The pro Israeli propagandists and apologists will continue to lie and excuse Israel for its racism and ethnic cleansing, and the copious quantities of Palestinian blood on its hands, but for those willing to learn the reality, writing like yours is an oasis in the desert. Thank you

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Benjamin, your disappointing ability to string together so many slanders reveals more about you than about the group that has, "never missed an opportunity to miss an opportunity." If you are truly interested in justice, why don't you watch some MEMRI clips of the local children's television programs that have been translated into English? I would suggest that, due to your gullibility, avoid periodicals and read a few creditable history books. Unless facts would interfere with your convictions, I'm sure that we are all looking forward to your mea culpa. Shabbat Shalom.

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Thank you so much for writing this. A few years ago I compiled this extensive viewing list of Israel/Palestine related videos which some people might find useful: https://medium.com/@TRUTH4JUSTICE7/an-extensive-viewing-list-of-israel-palestine-related-videos-cbeae6dacf0e

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Acting as if the city of Hebron is a microcosm of the entire State of Israel is an extremely dangerous thing. I have also visited Hebron under the very watchful eye of IDF soldiers. The reason for that is because if not for those soldiers and their protection, Jews cannot walk around Hebron and not expect to potentially be attacked JUST FOR BEING JEWS! At the end of the day, until there is a true acceptance of the Jewish state's existence by all people, this situation will remain in effect for the safety of all people. That's just the reality.

Also, I love how you reference the potential incoming new government which actually includes the Arab bloc, and yet you still think Israel practices apartheid. Maybe you should do a bit more research on the definition of certain words before publishing an article.

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As a Jew: we knew that we were not wanted, that many in the Arab populace including all Arab governments abhorred Jews and would be violently opposed to the creation of a Jewish state. So Israel was established and big surprise, the goal of the destruction of Israel was declared. There was a document that we agreed to in 1948. On one side of it was the creation of Israel. On the other side was the creation of Palestine. If we tear up the document declaring the legitimacy of Palestine, we tear up the document declaring the legitimacy of Israel. Any settler who celebrates Pesach is a hypocrite > stranger in a strange land? An embarrassment. This will not end well.

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B., você colocou os pontos nos i´s. A questão entre Israel e Palestina foi colocada sob um ponto de vista que muitos esquecem: o racismo que lá é praticado. E a falta de valor à vida do outro. A minha vida pode ser mantida em detrimento da sua. O bem maior é a vida. Cada vida importa. Qualquer vida importa.

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