Thank you for the courage. Break the silence.

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A heart-breaking, immensely powerful and brave piece. The vanguard can be a lonely place, but I hope you feel the support and gratitude of those who take encouragement from what you've written to add to your voice in whatever ways we can. Thank you, Ben.

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Thank you for your powerful piece. Beautifully written and with such truth. For many of us it feels like we are the little boy calling out the emperor has no clothes.... I need to defend my stance of being anti genocide to people who act as if its an anathema to good society.

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I don't debate with people who think being anti-genocide is controversial. There's no point.

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Your contextualization of zionism brought to mind that terrible episode of the 'vergalho' in Memórias póstumas de Brás Cubas.

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Trying to dredge this up from my memory bank. Will take a look. Always fun to re-read that fabulous book.

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Thank you for this excellent, heart-wrenching essay, Ben.

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This resonated with me deeply. I have read it a few times. And I'm sure they're not the last time. Thank you for your eloquence.

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Thank you for this eloquent piece.

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não sabia que tu tava por aqui, bom demais. sigamos, mestre.

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Ontem a noite vi a conferência da relatora especial da ONU p/ os territórios ocupados, Francesca Albanese, em Camberra. Ela fez uma denúncia potente. E terminou pedindo o fim da dominação colonial israelense (algo assim). E teve que explicar que chama de dominação por ser uma dominação racial nos termos da legislação internacional. E afirmou que Israel é um apartheid, novamente, pela legislação internacional. Estava sendo questionada por um correspondente (The Guardian). Agora li o seu pensamento/relato. As coisas encaixam melhor. A catástrofe não cessa sem o fim do fundamentalismo. Expresso no tal plano para Gaza, o pior policy paper possível.

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Bravo. Break the silence.

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Brilliant. Thank you for your courage and clarity.

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Thank you for writing so frankly and with clarity where it is needed.

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Through my tears, I thank you. Stay safe dear writer.

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Great read, once again. Tack så mycket from Sweden.

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obrigada obrigada obrigada

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